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List of topics to be covered

Here is a list of all the topics to be covered in the ALX SE program.


The foundations will run for 9 months and is divided into trimesters. Below are the various topics that you will cover per trimester.

Trimester 1

C ProgrammingLinuxMilestone Projects
Data StructuresSyscalls
Singly Linked Lists
Bit Manipulation
Variadic Functions
Memory Management
File Redirection
Static Libraries

Trimester 2

PythonCDatabasesLinuxSystems engineeringWeb development
BasicsMore Data StructuresSQLProcesses and SignalsOpen Systems Interconnection ModelAirBnB Clone
Object-Oriented ProgrammingStacks/QueuesMySQLScriptingTCP/IPHTML
Interpreted LanguagesDoubly Linked ListsCommand LineCSS
Test Driven DevelopmentHash TablesUnit Testing
Error HandlingBinary TreesJSON
Web ScrapingSorting
Big O
Dynamic Libraries

Trimester 3

System engineering and DevopsCPythonWeb development
SSHMore AlgorithmsORMs (SQLAlchemy)AirBnB Clone (Continued)
SSL/TLSSearchingTemplating (Jinja2)Javascript
Webstack DebuggingDeployment
Web Servers (Nginx)Flask
Application Servers (Gunicorn)
Configuration Management (Puppet)
Load Balancers


We have two major specializations that you get to choose from after your foundations. Specialization runs for 3 months. Each track (whether frontend or backend) will also go through some technical interview preparations.

Interview Preparation

  • Pascal's Triangle
  • Lockboxes
  • Minimum Operations
  • Log Parsing
  • UTF-8 Validation
  • N Queens
  • Star Wars API
  • Rotate 2D Matrix
  • Making Change
  • Island Perimeter
  • Prime Game

Frontend Track

Modern JavascriptFront-endReactMore
ES6 BasicsAdvanced HTMLWebpackMarkdown to HTML
ES6 PromisesDeveloper toolsReact introFlexbox
ES6 classesAdvanced CSSReact propsForms
ES6 data manipulationResponsive designReact componentAccessibility
TypescriptReact inline stylingFun with CSS
React stateSass & Scss
React Immutable
React Redux action creator+normalizr
React Redux reducer+selector
React Redux Connectors and Providers

Backend Track

Modern JavascriptPythonStorageBack-endUser Data
ES6 BasicsVariable AnnotationsMySQL advancedPaginationPersonal data
ES6 PromisesAsyncNoSQLCachingBasic authentication
ES6 classesAsync ComprehensionRedis basici18nSession authentication
ES6 data manipulationUnittests and Integration TestsQueuing System in JSUser authentication service
TypescriptFiles manager