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Articles by Learners

#1: The ALX Software Engineering Program: Insider Tips and Tricks

Written by: Dr. Ehoneah Obed

Insider Tips and Tricks


There are no teachers. You learn by yourself and with the help of your peers. You are also assigned mentors who assist you with technical difficulties that go beyond what your peers can help you with.

Which classroom is used?

ALX has its own unique online platform, which you are given access to once you start your onboarding process. This is going to be your classroom throughout the program.

Read the full article here

#2: My ALX-SE Learning Journey: The Value of Grit, Community, and Conviction

Written by: David Okolie

The Value of Grit, Community, and Conviction


Balancing a demanding software engineering program like ALX-SE with freelancing, being a husband, and a father to a baby girl was definitely a challenging task. It required a lot of time management skills, discipline, and sacrifice.

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#3: How to adequately prepare for the ALX software engineering program

Written by: Dr. Ehoneah Obed

How to adequately prepare for ALX SE


Unfortunately, I didn’t know anyone who was already in the program. I wish I did, because I had a lot of questions, and I love to always be very prepared for whatever I am getting into.

Read the full article here

#4: My ALX Software Engineering Adventure: Learning, Growing, and Thriving

Written by: Bless Ambele

My ALX Software Engineering Adventure: Learning, Growing, and Thriving


Thanks to my education at ALX, which covered transactions, ACID compliance, and data consistency, I no longer default to MySQL for every app I build. Instead, I carefully consider the problem at hand before selecting the appropriate database solution.

Read the full article here